News and articles

The latest updates from LifeLine Projects.

The loss of my father, my hero, and my greatest mentor

I have often spoken about Richard Cole, "Words cannot express how the love he carried was unlike anything we'd seen before." As the leaders of his generation are called home, we should not only fill the space but consider the next steps we need to make to take society further. We need to consider if we will be the brave...

7 hours ago

 by Nathan Singleton

Case Studies

Jo’s story: a journey of growth and leadership

LifeLine’s Jo† joined LifeLine’s SW!TCH programme at a pivotal moment in her life. When we first met Jo, she was quiet, withdrawn, and disengaged from activities. She had isolated herself in her bedroom and struggled to connect with her family. Her friendships were negatively influenced, and she had previously gone missing when she ran away from home with a friend....

7 hours ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine’s Families team to support mental health of Redbridge residents with new community-based approach

We are pleased to announce that our Families team will be supporting the mental health of people across communities in Redbridge thanks to funding from Redbridge Council.This support will take several forms, including a presence at key engagement hubs in the borough, a programme of group activities to promote social and emotional wellbeing, and one-to-one support from our trained team...

1 day ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


John William Singleton, 1944–2025

It is with great sadness that LifeLine Projects announces the passing of the chair and founder of the LifeLine Group, John William Singleton,on 28th January 2025, at the age of 80.

2 weeks ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Helping young people stay connected without sacrificing their wellbeing

For many years, LifeLine had an office in Hackney. Hackney felt different to the other parts of East London where I lived and worked---people talked to you, whether on the bus or train, or just walking down the street. You could find yourself in the most interesting conversations, seemingly at random. It had a great sense of community.I was in...

4 weeks ago

 by Nathan Singleton


FaithAction creating health champions in Birmingham

We’re proud to announce that our FaithAction team have been commissioned by the Public Health Division of Birmingham City Council to work with Sikh and Christian communities across the city to help alleviate health inequalities.

4 weeks ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

Team Spotlights

Introducing Caroline, Maternal Health Coordinator

This month, we're talking with Caroline, who joined our Families team back in 2023 and has been the heart of our I'm Maternal Health Coordinator for LifeLine's Families team since June last year. My role is identify and engage parents in breastfeeding support, through networking and outreach activities, and to establish and develop a vibrant breastfeeding peer support network in...

4 weeks ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


Hope: A gift we share

As we approach Christmas, it's a time to reflect on what we’re most grateful for—whether it’s your family, friends, or the warmth of a home where you can gather.Many of us are fortunate to share this festive season with our loved ones. But for many others, this time of year is nothing to celebrate.Imagine spending cold Christmas alone, without friends,...

2 months ago

 by Nathan Singleton

Team Spotlights

Introducing Indigo, Head of Young People

This month, we're talking with Indigo, who became the new Head of our Young People team three months ago. Our Young People team, and its variety of SW!TCH programmes, have remained at the heart of LifeLine for over 15 years, and we're looking forward to seeing what the team can achieve under Indigo's leadership. What is your role at LifeLine?...

2 months ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


LifeLine at the CYP Now Awards 2024

On Thursday 28th November, Children and Young People Now held their 19th annual Awards to recognise and celebrate innovation and good practice in services that support children, young people, and their families across the UK. Here at LifeLine, we were proud to see our own SW!TCH Futures work be one of only five programmes that were shortlisted for the Early...

2 months ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team


A reflection on impact: SW!TCH Communities in Harold Hill

The origins of SW!TCH Communities A charity is about the community; it’s about serving a bigger purpose. It’s strong relationships and taking care of people and getting important tasks done. John Singleton MBE When people come together and talk about their problems, they have the power to act and create local solutions for their neighbourhoods. LifeLine's SW!TCH Communities programme began...

3 months ago

 by Nathan Singleton


Winning Harts: Harts Lane Estate in Barking MyEnds update

Since May, LifeLine Projects has been working as part of the Winning Harts consortium to This community-focused initiative—led by the West Ham United Foundation and funded through the Mayor of London’s £14.5 million MyEnds programme—was launched to address the unique challenges faced by local youth and residents.Our progress so far has been promising, and we’re on track to meet the...

3 months ago

 by LifeLine Comms Team

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